Bonnie & I were in charge of New Beginnings, so when I saw this idea on (who featured it from Angela's I knew it was perfect for us! You know we like things up beat, so this football themed NB was right up our alley. I contacted Angela about getting some of their graphics that they had made. She sent me their program & invitations and I just updated them for our own evening.
Here are some pictures from the evening (unfortunately, all of the group shots of the girls & leaders and a lot of the 'action' shots from the evening got deleted before I saved them to my computer....
Before I get to the big night, I have some photos from an activity before where the girls helped put together invitations, handouts, lanyards, signs, & pennants for decorations...
Decorating Signs:

Tying ribbons on 'Field Access Passes':

Assembling Handouts:

I had to wear my football gear for inspiration ;)

Making pennants out of construction paper:

We decided to practice some of our cheering skills - LOL

Umm, we're not that good... :-)

Ladies, this is not wrestling, it's football! lol

Some of the cheer signs that the girls came up with & made:

I made these iron-ons to put on red shirts for all of the leaders to wear at NB:

After I ironed mine on, I used white fabric paint to make the words stand out:

On the back of the shirts, we had our names & a number:

I made a little iron-on for the sleeve of the t-shirt:

Ready to go to NB:
Bonnie & I had whistles since we were running the program/game. I brought black eye paint to wear & have at the 'check-in' table for the girls to put on too (if they wanted to) to complete 'the look.' I hung my 'Field Pass'/lanyard from my belt.

The back of my shirt:
I thought pig tails would be appropriate for the night.

Time to decorate the gym:

We had our 'concession stand' & water station with coolers:

I took Angela's graphics & made a banner with them:

Our Football Field:
I drew a football field on green butcher paper. This was our 'game board.' I had 2 cutout footballs (game pieces) that moved up & down the field, depending on if they got the question right or wrong. The game had 4 7min. quarters (our 'ref' was in charge of timing & blowing the whistle after each quarter.) We made sure we didn't run out of questions, so we had a lot. The game was our 'program' for the night. Whichever team had the most goals at the end 'won.'

Our Scoreboard & Question Board:
There were 3 categories to choose from for questions..."Personal Progress", "FTSOY", & "Football Fight Songs" The 'fight' songs were fun, because they had to do with different upbeat hymns & primary songs.

The podium:
The clipboard had all of the list of questions for the game.

Hall of Fame Table:
We had a table in the back of the gym showcasing all of the YW who had already earned their YW Medallion. We had their picture & 'date of induction' (when they earned their medallion.) We also made a sign - "Future Hall of Famers" with a list of all of the other YW who hadn't earned their medallion yet. I made this cloth pennant with all of the different values on it to decorate the table. It has come in very handy for other activities too.

We put value colored pom poms on the table for decoration:

I used colored gift boxes/Chinese boxes & rafia for value sign decorations:

Do the signs look like little stakes in the ground? Because that's what I made them to look like...

Here are the handouts for the girls:

The girls got the new PP book, a values bookmark, & a football mint:

Here's the tag I came up with to go with this year's theme:

Our Concession Stand:

Sis. Bowman setting up the cake:
Don't drop it! Notice on the wall, the little megaphones? I made those out of different colored party hats! I just hot glued a white pipe cleaner on the side to look like a handle...

The cake:
A little off center, but not bad...We got it at Target.

We used football platters to hold the tortilla chips in (ignore the leftover cake):

We served delicious nachos for refreshment! YUM!

Check-in Table:
The girls picked up their Field Passes & Program they got their eye paint.

Sis. Bowman's daughter helping with the check-in table:

Here are the Field Passes I made:
I printed them off, laminated them, punched a hole in them & then had the YW attach a metal thingy & ribbon.

Here are the ticket invitations that I got from Angela:

I printed them off & had the girls glue them on red cardstock & cut out:
Here are the programs I got from Angela too.

The inside of the program:
Cute right?

The girls checking in:
We had downloaded a bunch of college fight songs & had them playing as the girls were coming in.

Opening Song:
We had the speakers & bishopric present sit in camp chairs. We couldn't find a referee shirt, so we had a white t-shirt that we taped black stripes on for the bishopric (our bishop was out of town, so we had our 2nd counselor there.)

Our 'crowd' & 'fans':We started off by introducing the different 'teams', 'coaches', & 'cheerleaders' (YW & leaders.)

Then, we had the YW Pres. speak briefly about team work & practicing our values. Then, we went into our game. Bonnie & I had so much fun running the game, it was fast paced! We closed with a few remarks from the bishopric & then, we had refreshments.

The night was so much FUN!! The other wards had their NB going on too & they said it
sounded like we had a blast with all of the
noise! Ooops...